
Using Homebrew for distributing Go apps (part 2)


For personal reference: This is a followup on a previous post that is a bit more manual. This is a little bit easier. a) Create your own Homebrew tap Create a new GitHub public repository with a prefix homebrew-, i.e. homebrew-tap. This will host all the apps that you want to distribute via your tap. Users will install your apps using the following commands: No need to include the 'homebrew-' prefix $ brew tap flowerinthenight/tap $ brew install <toolname> # Or one-liner $ brew install flowerinthenight/tap/<toolname> b) Let’s use Github Actions to setup goreleaser First, add a .

Go · Golang · Goreleaser · Homebrew · Ruby · Tech

1 minute

Using Homebrew for distributing Go (golang) apps


For personal reference: a) Create your own homebrew tap Create a new GitHub public repository with a prefix homebrew-, i.e. homebrew-tap. This will house all the apps that you want to distribute via your tap. Users will install your apps using the following commands: No need to include the 'homebrew-' prefix $ brew tap flowerinthenight/tap $ brew install <toolname> The toolname part will correspond to the filename inside your repository tap.

Go · Golang · Homebrew · Ruby

2 minutes

Mobingi’s Kubernetes clusters repo


I posted an article for @mobingi about its Kubernetes clusters repo. Please check it out. Thanks.

Go · K8s · Kubernetes · Mobingi · Repo

1 minute

Mobingi’s golang monorepo


I posted an article for @mobingi about its Golang-based monorepo. Please check it out. Thanks.

Go · Golang · Mobingi · Monorepo

1 minute

A golang-based monorepo example


I uploaded an example of a golang-based monorepo in GitHub. This is a stripped down version of what we have @mobingi. If you are planning to have a golang-based monorepo, please have a look.

Go · Golang · Monorepo

1 minute

Using OS specific stores for storing CLI credentials for golang apps


This post is to show a simple way of using Docker’s credential helper package to utilize the system’s native credential store as storage for your Golang-based CLI applications’ login credentials. This means Keychain for OSX, wincred for Windows, and pass for Linux. We use pass here since secretservice, although supported, doesn’t work out of the box in headless servers. Here’s a simple implementation of our Set, Get, and Del functions.

Go · Keychain · Nativestore · Pass · Wincred

1 minute

Using Docker’s ETW log driver in Windows


In Docker’s ETW logging driver doc, it uses the tool logman to view the logs. In this article, I will show you how to use mftrace to view Docker ETW logs in real-time. First, here’s a simple application written in Go that logs to STDERR every second. Next, let’s create a Docker image (Windows) using the Dockerfile below. assuming the code above is saved in a directory called 'demoapp' $ docker build -t demoapp .

Docker · Etw · Go · Windows

1 minute

JSON prettifier function in Go


For self reference:

Go · Json · Prettify

1 minute

Wrapper for amqp library for RabbitMQ


I uploaded a simple wrapper to streadway/amqp library for RabbitMQ with support for auto reconnections. This is a simplified version of what I’m using in production.

Amqp · Go · Rabbitmq

1 minute