
Cluster membership management on AWS


In continuation with my previous post, I have now finished porting hedge to AWS. It’s a trimmed-down version for now; only the features directly related to cluster membership are ported. I decided to make a separate repo, called hedge-cb (in keeping with the -cb theme), instead of updating hedge directly. And it’s mainly due to CGO. I didn’t really fancy the idea of introducing CGO to hedge as it could break a lot of the CI builds at work.

Aws · Cgo · Clockbound · Cluster · Distributed-Systems · Ffi · Go · Golang · Hedge · Leader-Election · Memberlist · Programming · Software · Systems · Tech · Timesync · True-Time

2 minutes

Distributed locking on AWS (ClockBound)


After some testing time, I now have a working port of spindle in AWS. There were some slight changes from the original library to account for some of the differences between Cloud Spanner and PostgreSQL, but not really by much. It’s called spindle-cb, if you’re interested. It’s still half the battle though; I still have to port hedge as well before I could really use it for some of the planned projects in my pipeline.

Aws · Cgo · Clockbound · Distributed-Locking · Ffi · Go · Golang · Locking · Programming · Software · Spindle · Systems · Tech · Timesync · True-Time

2 minutes

AWS ClockBound client for Go (update)


A week ago I published a short blog about clockbound-client-go. After some testing, turns out there’s an issue in reading the actual time from ClockBound’s shared memory segment; it seems to provide only the elapsed time since boot. However, using the Rust client and the FFI bindings produce the correct results. Either there is a problem in the code that reads the shared memory segment, or the SHM contents are wrong.

Aws · Cgo · Clockbound · Ffi · Go · Golang · Programming · Software · Systems · Tech · Timesync · True-Time

1 minute

AWS ClockBound client for Go


I’ve written a Go client for AWS ClockBound called clockbound-client-go. It uses the newer, shared memory segment protocol instead of the older, socket-based protocol. This is a prerequisite library needed to port spindle (and maybe even hedge) to AWS (for an upcoming project). As great a tech Google’s TrueTime is, there is no available API for it. It is only through Spanner that spindle achieves its locking mechanisms with TrueTime. Currently, it’s the cheapest way, surprisingly, to do distributed locking that I’ve tried so far, compared to the likes of Redis, Zookeeper, etcd, Consul, etc.

Aws · Clockbound · Go · Golang · Programming · Software · Systems · Tech · Timesync · True-Time

1 minute

memx - Get process’ memory usage (Linux)


I shared a simple piece of code for getting a process’ memory usage in Linux. It’s called memx. It’s Linux-specific only as it reads the proportional set size (PSS) data from either /proc/{pid}/smaps_rollup (if present) or /proc/{pid}/smaps file. I’ve used this piece of code many times at work. We use memory-mapped files extensively in some of our services and this is how we get more accurate results. Very useful in debugging OOMKilled events in k8s.

Golang · Linux · Memory · Process · Tech · Usage

1 minute

oomkill-watch - A tool to watch OOMKilled events in k8s


I recently uploaded a tool to GitHub that wraps the kubectl get events -w command for watching OOMKilled events in Kubernetes. It’s called oomkill-watch. You can check out the code here. You might find this useful.

Events · Golang · K8s · Kubectl · Oomkilled · Tech · Watch

1 minute

Using Homebrew for distributing Go apps (part 2)


For personal reference: This is a followup on a previous post that is a bit more manual. This is a little bit easier. a) Create your own Homebrew tap Create a new GitHub public repository with a prefix homebrew-, i.e. homebrew-tap. This will host all the apps that you want to distribute via your tap. Users will install your apps using the following commands: No need to include the 'homebrew-' prefix $ brew tap flowerinthenight/tap $ brew install <toolname> # Or one-liner $ brew install flowerinthenight/tap/<toolname> b) Let’s use Github Actions to setup goreleaser First, add a .

Go · Golang · Goreleaser · Homebrew · Ruby · Tech

1 minute

Authenticating Go AWS SDK v2 using external id


For self reference: Sample code as to how to authenticate aws-sdk-go-v2 using external ids:

Assume · Aws · External-Id · Golang · Roles · Sdk · Tech · V2

1 minute

Authenticating Go AWS SDK using external id


For self reference: Sample code as to how to authenticate aws-sdk-go using external ids:

Assume · Aws · External-Id · Golang · Roles · Sdk · Tech

1 minute

hedge - A simple distributed computing library


This library has been in our production for about a year already and is one of the critical components in our backend. We mainly use it for app-level orchestration between pods. It’s called hedge and you can find the code here. Maybe it will be useful to anybody out there.

Distributed-Computing · Gcp · Golang · Spanner · Spindle

1 minute

Extract gRPC-generated functions to a list


This might be hacky and there might be a proper way to do this but recently, I needed to generate all the functions’ gRPC-generated full names from our protobuf definitions. This is part of our RBAC module that needs to filter gRPC function calls. I got the list from our generated Go client using the following command(s): Main command: $ grep -o -R -i -E '"/blueapi..*"' . | awk -F':' '{gsub(/"/, "", $2); print "-", substr($2, 2);}' | sort | uniq # Actual commands; save as yaml: $ echo "functions:" > /tmp/funcs.

Cmdline · Golang · Grpc · Grpc-Gateway

1 minute

A hacky way to update problematic Go modules


The only options for updating modules that I’m aware so far are a) go get -u all, and b) specific modules, i.e. go get -u domain.com/module[@v1.2.3]. For problematic ones, my only option is b), which is a bit time consuming. There must be some other way out there that I’m not aware of but at the moment, I use this simple command: $ cat go.mod | grep -i 'github' | grep -i -v 'indirect' | awk '{print $1}' > update; \ while read -r v; do go get -u $v; done < update; rm update

Golang · Modules · Update

1 minute

Switching to different Go versions


I use this handy little script to switch between different Go (golang) versions: #!/bin/bash $1 version &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ln -sf $GOPATH/bin/$1 $HOME/.local/bin/go go version exit 0 fi go get golang.org/dl/$1 && $1 download ln -sf $GOPATH/bin/$1 $HOME/.local/bin/go go version Saving this as an executable script goset, I could now switch to different versions like so: $ goset go1.16.4 go version go1.16.4 linux/amd64

Golang · Switch · Versions

1 minute

Authenticating Go AWS SDK v2 using assume roles


For self reference: To authenticate the Golang AWS SDK v2 using assume roles, refer to the following code snippets:

Assume · Aws · Golang · Roles · Sdk · V2

1 minute

A Spanner-based distributed locking library


I uploaded a yet another distributed locking library, this time, based on Cloud Spanner and TrueTime technology. It’s called spindle and you can find the code here. Maybe it will be useful to anybody out there.

Distributed-Lock · Distributed-Locking · Gcp · Golang · Spanner

1 minute

A tool for synching DynamoDB tables between accounts


I uploaded a tool that can sync DynamoDB tables between accounts. It’s called dysync and you can find the code here. Maybe it will be useful to anybody out there.

Aws · Dynamodb · Golang · Sync

1 minute

A tool for querying DynamoDB


I uploaded a tool that can query DynamoDB tables. It’s called lsdy and you can find the code here. Maybe it will be useful to anybody out there.

Aws · Dynamodb · Golang · Query

1 minute

Output glog from go test


If you’re using glog in your Go codes, you can output those when running go test … by using the –args parameter: $ go test -v ./… -count=1 -cover -race -mod=vendor –args –logtostderr –v=1

Glog · Golang · Test

1 minute

Using tabwriter to improve on cobra’s help information


If you’ve been following the blog, you know that I’m a fan of cobra as a CLI library. Let me share how I use tabwriter to compliment cobra’s autogenerated help information. For reference, you can check this post as well. The following code is a copy (not an exact copy) of one of the tools that I use at work. It will look something like this. Trigger a manual run, among other tools.

Cobra · Golang · Tabwriter

1 minute

Output golang cmdline tools to stdout and file using tee


Some golang-based tools I’ve used (or even written) use the builtin log package that output logs to stderr by default. I also use tee for piping console outputs to file for later viewing. This is the command I generally use: Example tool: $ sometool –flag1 –flag2 2>&1 | tee out.txt # 2>&1 <– redirect stderr to stdout # tee <– pipe the console output to out.txt while retaining the actual console logs during command execution

Golang · Stderr · Stdout · Tee

1 minute

Using Homebrew for distributing Go (golang) apps


For personal reference: a) Create your own homebrew tap Create a new GitHub public repository with a prefix homebrew-, i.e. homebrew-tap. This will house all the apps that you want to distribute via your tap. Users will install your apps using the following commands: No need to include the 'homebrew-' prefix $ brew tap flowerinthenight/tap $ brew install <toolname> The toolname part will correspond to the filename inside your repository tap.

Go · Golang · Homebrew · Ruby

2 minutes

Download AWS Athena query results as CSV


I recently uploaded a tool to GitHub that downloads AWS Athena query results as CSV. It’s called athena2csv. You can check out the code here. You might find this useful.

Athena · Athena2csv · Aws · Csv · Golang

1 minute

Using k8s.io/klog together with cobra in golang


This post is somehow related to a previous article about using glog together with cobra. This time, we will be using klog which is a Kubernetes fork of glog. run the -h command $ ./cobraklog -h Usage of ./cobraklog: -alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files -log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace -log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory -log_file string If non-empty, use this log file -logtostderr log to standard error instead of files -skip_headers If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages -stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2) -v value log level for V logs -vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging # run cobra's help command $ .

Cobra · Golang · Klog

2 minutes

Mobingi’s golang monorepo


I posted an article for @mobingi about its Golang-based monorepo. Please check it out. Thanks.

Go · Golang · Mobingi · Monorepo

1 minute

A golang-based monorepo example


I uploaded an example of a golang-based monorepo in GitHub. This is a stripped down version of what we have @mobingi. If you are planning to have a golang-based monorepo, please have a look.

Go · Golang · Monorepo

1 minute

Using glog together with cobra in golang


If you have been programming with golang, you’ve probably heard of cobra. I use it extensively at work and also in my personal projects. Recently though, I’ve been using glog more and more. And I quite like it. The thing is, it has a couple of flag definitions in its init() function using golang’s builtin flag library. And I wanted to include those flags into cobra’s flag definitions. This is how I did it.

Cobra · Glog · Golang

2 minutes