
Distributed locking on AWS (ClockBound)


After some testing time, I now have a working port of spindle in AWS. There were some slight changes from the original library to account for some of the differences between Cloud Spanner and PostgreSQL, but not really by much. It’s called spindle-cb, if you’re interested. It’s still half the battle though; I still have to port hedge as well before I could really use it for some of the planned projects in my pipeline.

Aws · Cgo · Clockbound · Distributed-Locking · Ffi · Go · Golang · Locking · Programming · Software · Spindle · Systems · Tech · Timesync · True-Time

2 minutes

A Spanner-based distributed locking library


I uploaded a yet another distributed locking library, this time, based on Cloud Spanner and TrueTime technology. It’s called spindle and you can find the code here. Maybe it will be useful to anybody out there.

Distributed-Lock · Distributed-Locking · Gcp · Golang · Spanner

1 minute

Using kettle library for master election using distributed locking


I uploaded a simple library that abstracts the use of distributed locking to elect a master among group of workers at a specified time interval. It’s called kettle. You can find the source code here. We’ve been using this library mostly on these two recurring use case patterns: Consuming a dynamodbstreams endpoint across multiple containers running in Kubernetes. In this case, the master tracks the dynamic addition/removal of shards of a specific endpoint and distributes those shards to the other worker containers.

Distributed-Locking · Master · Redis · Worker

1 minute