I remember ages ago, a friend asked me what my tips would be to transition from a typical programmer to a “systems programmer”. And I distinctly remember answering him along the lines of “Y’know what, I don’t really know, maybe just get more experience?” And now, being an engineering leader to some extent, I get this question once in a while, but even now, I don’t really have a default answer, and a good one at that, to give.
Programming · Programming · Software · Software · Systems · Tech
6 minutes
How valuable is your source code?
I had a think about this topic when I saw a recent Ars Technica news article about Winamp releasing their source code to GitHub and then deleting it after some backlash from the open source community. And we also hear about instances of leaked source codes as well, such as that of The New York Times, Okta, Intel’s UEFI source, Mercedes Benz, Microsoft, among others. Until now, I haven’t really put too much thought into this.
Programming · Programming · Software · Software · Tech
6 minutes
An LLM creating technical debt with the spelling. In this post, I want to talk a little bit about technical debt. In a recent conversation I had with one of our engineers, we sort of inadvertently enumerated some of the more pressing technical debts we have off top of our heads in our current infrastructure, which, now that I think about it, is quite a lot. But what is “technical debt”, really?
Programming · Software · Tech-Debt · Technical-Debt · Zig
4 minutes
In continuation with my previous post about the new systems programming languages, I mentioned I was considering Zig as a potential complementary systems language to our main one, which is Go(lang). Well, for the past month or so, in my spare time, I tried writing something more substantial in it to understand the language more. For some time now, I’ve been “itching” to write something similar to Hashicorp’s memberlist library, but in a lower-level language for performance, smaller footprint and minimal network load.
Distributed-Systems · Programming · Programming · Raft · Swim · Zig · Zig · Ziglang
2 minutes
Thoughts on the newer systems programming languages
I’m talking about the new crop of systems programming languages that advertise themselves as better replacements for C and/or C++: Rust, Zig, D, Odin, Nim , etc. I’m using the word “new” loosely here as Rust and Zig, for example, are almost a decade old now. The topic of systems programming has been on my radar (again) recently at work due to our attempts at improving the performance of some of the more critical parts of our stack.
Programming · Programming · Systems · Zig
6 minutes