
Encoding .NET bitmaps to H264 using FFMPEG


Recently, I was working on a project that involves the encoding of .NET bitmaps using ffmpeg’s h264 encoder with mp4 as container. This video output will be used in a <video> tag in html5. Sample codes have been all over the place so it took me quite a while to come up with a working solution. The official sample from ffmpeg only encodes to raw h264 stream. This is just a basic sample code for reference.

Code · Cpp · Csharp

1 minute

A simple cron-like Windows service


A couple of days ago, I uploaded a generic service in GitHub that has a feature of updating itself. Check out the post here. Today, I uploaded the actual service I’m using in our CI environment, excluding the configuration file. Check out the source code here.

Code · Go

1 minute

A Windows service with an http endpoint for uploading a new version of itself


Recently, I’ve been working on a service that runs on a lot of VM’s across different locations. If I have a new service build, updating all of the running instances quickly became a bit of a pain. I have to log in to every VM (in some cases through a VPN) and then do a manual upgrade. Now, there are probably tools that already exist for this type of use case but since I’m still learning Go at the moment, I thought this would be a good exercise.

Code · Go

1 minute

A simple REST client/server console app in C#


For personal reference: Full source code here.

Code · Csharp

1 minute

Syslog as target in Go logs


For personal reference: To view syslog in realtime tail -f /var/log/syslog

Code · Golang

1 minute

Add function name prefix to log.Println in Go


For personal reference:

Code · Golang

1 minute

How to serve expvar when using gorilla/mux


For personal reference: Access root http://localhost:8000 Access expvar information http://localhost:8000/debug/vars

Code · Golang

1 minute

Simple directory cleanup tool for Windows (golang)


For personal reference:

Code · Golang

1 minute

My commonly used commands in GIT


Update 2017/03/24: Transferred to a separate repository here. For personal reference: Reset a file git checkout HEAD – my-file.txt Delete last commit git reset –hard HEAD~1 Delete local branch git branch -d <branch-name> or to force delete git branch -D <branch-name> Delete branch from remote repository git push origin –delete <remote-branch-name> Search for the merge commit from a specific commit git log <SHA>..master –ancestry-path –merges Search for a commit message git log | grep <pattern> List commits on range line of codes for one file git blame -L<line#>,+<offset> – <filename> For example, three lines starting from line 257 of main.


2 minutes

A simple signal handler in C/C++ (Linux)


Personal reference:


1 minute

Sharing my .tmux.conf


I use tmux heavily and in tandem with vim. Much more so now when it’s supported on Bash on Windows as well. I don’t have to spin up a Linux VM just for the purpose of being my tmux “server”. Set a Ctrl-b shortcut for reloading tmux config unbind r bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf # Prefix is Ctrl-a unbind C-b set -g prefix C-a bind C-a send-prefix # Rename terminals set -g set-titles on set -g set-titles-string '#(whoami)@#h@#(curl ipecho.


1 minute

Sharing my .vimrc


Vim has always been my go to editor/IDE when I’m outside of Visual Studio. Here’s my base _vimrc for Windows. let mapleader = " " filetype off syntax on colorscheme darkblue " let pc=$PC " if pc == 'HOME' " set guifont=Letter\ Gothic\ Std:h11 " else " set guifont=Lucida\ Sans\ Typewriter:h9 " endif " Save marks to up to 100 files, save global marks as well (f1). To disable, f0 set viminfo='100,f1 " Folding options set foldmethod=indent set foldnestmax=20 set nofoldenable set foldlevel=0 set guifont=Lucida\ Sans\ Typewriter set lines=70 columns=160 set ai set nu set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab set wrap set backspace=2 set encoding=utf-8 set fileencodings=utf-8 set nocompatible set noswapfile set shortmess+=I set ignorecase set guioptions-=T set guioptions-=r set guioptions-=m set splitright set splitbelow set ruler set rtp+=$HOME/vimfiles/bundle/Vundle.


4 minutes

A simple folder/file watcher in Powershell


Personal reference:


1 minute

A simple Powershell function to import an environment


A couple of days ago, I was working on a powershell-based script for mstest automation and I needed to call vsdevcmd.bat from Visual Studio’s tools folder. function Invoke-Environment([Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string]$Command, [switch]$Output, [switch]$Force) { $stream = if ($Output) { ($temp = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()) } else { 'nul' } $operator = if ($Force) {'&'} else {'&&'} foreach($_ in cmd /c " $Command > &#34;$stream" 2>&1 $operator SET") { if ($_ -match '^([^=]+)=(.*)') { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($matches[1], $matches[2]) } } if ($Output) { Get-Content -LiteralPath $temp Remove-Item -LiteralPath $temp } } To use the function:


1 minute

A simple unzip function in Powershell


function UnzipFiles($ZipFileName, $DestDir) { Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($ZipFileName, $DestDir) } To use the function: UnzipFiles -ZipFileName .\folder\ -DestDir .\destination


1 minute

A simple zip function in Powershell


function ZipFiles($ZipFileName, $SourceDir) { Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem $compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($SourceDir, $ZipFileName, $compressionLevel, $false) } To use the function: ZipFiles -ZipFileName -SourceDir .\folder\to\zip


1 minute

[Part 6] Logging with Universal Apps


Check out the codes in GitHub. Basically, 2 steps: Create a C++ Windows Runtime Component (dll) that will use the ETW header file. Reference the WinRT DLL to C# project. WinRT DLL My logging class looks like this: public ref class TraceCore sealed { private: TraceCore(); ~TraceCore(); static TraceCore^ m_Instance; public: static property TraceCore^ Instance { TraceCore^ get() { if (m_Instance == nullptr) { m_Instance = ref new TraceCore(); } return m_Instance; } } void Verbose(Platform::String^ mod, Platform::String^ file, Platform::String^ func, Platform::String^ m); }; And heres the implementation:


1 minute

[Part 5] Logging with C# applications


Check out the codes in GitHub. I generated a C# logging class using this command: mc -css <Namespace_here> So far, most of my event templates use an ANSI string data type which (I believe) is not supported by C#. As you can see in part 1, I use ANSI data type for my File and Function fields so that I can use FILE and FUNCTION as inputs in C++. Thats why I added a new event template with all fields using UNICODE data types.


1 minute

[Part 4] Log collection


Check out the codes in GitHub. Getting the logs Now that I have my modules spitting out logs for me, it’s time to actually consume (or view) them. Most of the time, I use MFTrace and logman tools. MFTrace Although MFTrace is primarily a tool for generating logs for Media Foundation apps, it is a great tool for viewing ETW logs in general as well. It is included in the MS SDK.


2 minutes

[Part 3] Logging with C/C++ applications


Check out the codes in GitHub. If you remember in part 2, we compiled our manifest file with mc -um <manifest_file>.man and we got a header file as one of the outputs. We just have to include that header file to our sources and we are good to go. #include … #include "<manifest_file>.h" int main(…) { EventRegister<provider_name_in_manifest>(); … CreateFile(…); // Example of using the LastError event in our manifest file EventWriteLastError(L"THIS_EXE", FILE, FUNC, L"CreateFile", GetLastError()); .


1 minute

[Part 2] Manifest file compilation and setup


Check out the codes in GitHub. Compiling the manifest file This is how I compiled my manifest file. Open Visual Studio command prompt. Compile manifest file. mc -um <manifest_file>.man When successful, output files are: <filename>.h <filename>.rc <filename>TEMP.BIN MSG00001.bin Creating the message resource DLL I like to create a separate dll just for the manifest file resource although you can also add the .rc file to any of your existing dll or exe.


1 minute

[Part 1] How I set up ETW for logging (native, .NET, Metro and UApp)


Check out the codes in GitHub. Ive been using ETW as my go-to logging mechanism for Windows development. I will be sharing how I setup my environment here. Creating the manifest file (.man) I use ecmangen.exe to create my manifest file. This tool is included in the SDK. I have Visual Studio 2015 installed on a Win10 64-bit machine, and its location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64. It looks something like this (my completed manifest):


3 minutes