
Extending the timeout of a Kubernetes service in GCP


This is related to a previous post about Kubernetes services. This time, it’s about extending the timeout of an Ingress. We had a situation where we had to download a huge file from one of our exposed services. The download takes about two minutes to complete. This didn’t really worked out since by default, GCP load balancers that are associated with k8s Ingresses have a timeout value of 30s. For a time, we just did manual updates by going to the GCP k8s Services and Ingress console, opening the backend service under the Ingress, and editing the Timeout section to the desired seconds.

Gcp · Ingress · K8s · Timeout

1 minute

Accessing services in Kubernetes


At Mobingi, when we are developing services that run on Kubernetes, we generally use Minikube or Kubernetes in Docker for Mac. We also have a cluster that runs on GKE that we use for development. In this post, I will share how we access some of the services that are running on our development cluster. Using kubectl port-forward Using kubectl port-forward is probably the cheapest and the most straightforward. For example, if I want to access a cluster service svc1 through my localhost, I use kubectl port-forward like this:

Ingress · Kubectl · Kubernetes · Nginx · Port-Forward

4 minutes